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Is any shade more naturally relaxing than aqua? This crisp, cool blue-green evokes the feel of secluded crystal waters and the calm of an open sky. Appearing exactly halfway between blue and green on the color wheel, this turquoise shade is identical to the web color cyan. Although the word for this color is inspired by water, it’s also a shortened form of aquamarine. The name of this pale blue gem, often found within granite, was first used as a color word in English in 1598. Red and aqua are complementary colors that reside across from one another on the color wheel, so pairing them amplifies both shades for an eclectic, vibrant effect that fits a natural, bohemian home aesthetic. The cooling effects of aqua are most evident when it’s paired with other blues and greens in a monochromatic scheme for a relaxing, spa-inspired feel. Aquamarine with crisp white and natural wood is a classic coastal home decor palette. Try a smoky shade of aqua if your home emphasizes dark wood and stone. The effect is muted but still adds interest and color to a minimal scheme. When vivid aqua is used to add a pop of color to your space, they foster conversation and have a magnetic, attractive quality. This shade can easily be dressed up or down to fit seamlessly with your aesthetic.


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