
Dark Slate

Dark slate is a medium dark gray blue that takes its name from the metamorphic rock. It is mysterious yet elegant, suave with just a hint of mischievousness. This color is powerful, inspired by a type of stone, and interior decorators favor it. Strong and eye-catching, dark slate gives spaces chic intensity. It works well in just about every room, though in smaller rooms such as baths and powder rooms, too much of this hue can make the space seem even more enclosed and easily overwhelm. In that instance, add this color in smaller amounts with towels, candles, and wall art. Even though dark slate is forceful, it can be used as an all-over color in larger rooms. Walls, furniture, and objets d’art can combine to create an intense monochromatic look. This hue works with multiple shades of gray and blue, making it a versatile base color that can be used in place of basic black. Lighten dark slate with bursts of color from fuchsia and yellow, and add white for a breath of freshness. Gold metals give an opulent look. Dark slate gives interiors a sophisticated feel. It can be used with shades of blue and gray for a stylish monochrome effect, or paired with white and bits of bright colors for freshness. It is versatile, strong, and appealing.


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