

Chambray is a complex, stormy blue with navy undertones. It is the color of blue jeans and chambray tops, and a hue that recalls long summer days of childhood spent riding bikes and playing baseball. Chambray, often called delicate gray, lends both strength and softness. Which you hope to bring out in it all depends on the colors with which you pair it. Chambray is often found in boys' rooms and paired with furniture of natural wood tones and accents of gray, navy and white. However, as mentioned above, chambray is both strong and soft, making it a very versatile hue. Pair it with pinks, yellows, and purples to create a space that is more feminine in nature. Incorporate creams, sand tones, and whites into a space with chambray walls to achieve a relaxing, beachy vibe. Though most people don't think of light blues when they think of autumn, chambray, when coupled with the right hues, can help create an atmosphere that brings to mind a crisp fall day. Pair it with fiery oranges, freesia, and black for a twist on fall decorating. Chambray is a complex color, and because of this, very versatile. Use the hue in your living room, bedrooms, and sitting rooms, or bring it out as summer fades into fall for a crisp and inviting feeling.


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